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Chinese Postpartum Nourishment

"TCM herbs hold a very special place in my heart. TCM herbs and practices helped me conceive my first child after a long and emotional journey and supported me during all three pregnancies from conception to postpartum.” U-Fhern, Founder What is confinement food? An important pillar of Chinese confinement, as with any other traditional culture's postpartum care, is nourishment and food for the mother.Chinese confinement food is specially tailored to aid in a mother's recovery, restore her blood and energy and boost her milk supply. This is mainly done through the use of specific herbs and ingredients, cooking easily digestible meals and focusing on warming foods.Food is an integral part of Chinese culture from a community perspective but is also...

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28 Day Postpartum Package Q&A

Frequently asked Questions: Is there a TCM soup for every day? In total the package includes 16 blends of soups (4 a week) and 12 packs of Red Dates Tea. The soups can have a substantial yield so can be consumed over the course of two days if you can't finish it in one. This has been designed so that it is not so overwhelming for Mama in terms of cooking and flavour. With the teas and dry pantry options there is definitely something nourishing for each day. I've heard that TCM formulations taste terrible. We won't lie, TCM formulations are not for the faint hearted. The strongest being the Sheng Hua Tonic. However, its history of use spans over...

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Iron as an Essential Postpartum Nutrient (Blog post by Fiona)

Iron as an Essential Postpartum Nutrient The postpartum period is a time of joy, but it can also be physically and emotionally challenging for new mothers. One aspect that often gets overlooked is the importance of iron in this critical phase of a woman's life. Iron plays a vital role in supporting postpartum health and ensuring a smooth recovery after childbirth. The iron deficiency problem During pregnancy, the body's iron requirements increase significantly, leading to further depletion of iron stores. As a result, many new mothers begin their postpartum journey with already compromised iron levels. Studies have shown that a staggering 80% of women enter pregnancy already deficient in iron (Oh Baby Nutrition, 2023). According to another study, it’s been...

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The Importance of Planning and Preparing for Postpartum By Joelleen

The Importance of Planning and Preparing for Postpartum The postpartum period is a profound and unique phase in a parent's life, one that will forever be etched in memory. The importance of planning and preparing for postpartum cannot be overstated. It has far-reaching implications, impacting not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being during the transformative experience of early motherhood and parenthood. Nutrition for the Postpartum Parent: Let's begin with the basics - food. Planning what your postpartum meal plan will look like for the birthing parent and immediate family is both practical and essential. The postpartum period is a time of healing and nourishment, particularly if breastfeeding is part of the equation. Additional calories are...

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Stages of pregnancy birth postpartum

Pre-conception stage It was great to see some couples at the recent baby expo on their pre-conception journey visiting the expo and looking for things that could support them. Two things we recommended were our Red Dates tea and Moxa sticks. Red dates are a great source of many nutrients, including Vitamin C. For females, Vitamin C can help boost fertility and improve hormone levels, while for males, Vitamin C may help by improving sperm count and quality. They are also blood-boosting which is important when trying to fall pregnant. Just note that the Tea should not be consumed during menstruation. On the same note of promoting blood flow and warmth, moxa sticks help with stagnation and have the ability...

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