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Transforming Pain to Portal

THE PAIN, PLEASURE, PERCEPTION AND PORTAL DIAGRAM This is a diagram I sketched to represent my birth experiences. Many women's view and understanding of birth before actually having given birth is one filled with fear, hysterics, pain and suffering. But now having birthed my babies, my experience has been quite a far cry from what is depicted in the movies, books and magazines. Right before birthing, the pain was at its most intense and I was close to giving up. Then at the moment I birthed, I felt I had been completely transported to another realm temporarily only to return with the soul of my child.   WAYS TO ENCOURAGE A PORTAL BIRTH Creating a safe and warm environment for...

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The importance of warmth in Postpartum Care.

The importance of warmth in postpartum care and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Across many different traditional cultures, warmth is a common theme within postpartum care. If we look at pregnancy and birth as a cycle of seasons, birth is an outward motion, while postpartum is an internal motion, our internal winter that calls for rest and hibernation. In the context of energies, birth is very Yang - energetic and intense. After the birth experience, Yin will flow in to counter the space that has been filled with Yang. However, too much Yin may lead to depression, anxiety, loneliness and stagnation to form within the body. Therefore according to TCM, practices to warm the new mother are essential to ensure that she...

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The First Forty Days of Postpartum

Let us remember and return to the ritual of spending our first forty days postpartum in a sacred cocoon. Let it be a time for a mother to invest in herself and her newborn. Drawing back to our roots of TCM based principles, we suggest items from our range to help you feel nourished, rested and supported during this special time. ​​​​​​​​​ The First Forty Days of Postpartum Discover the importance of the first forty days postpartum. While it may seem like a luxury to some, cultures worldwide have been practicing this ritual for centuries. Invest in yourself and your newborn by honoring your needs during this sacred time. What does your First Forty Days look like?   Planning for...

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Learn about Postpartum Thyroiditis with Eva

Becoming a mother is a profound moment in time, and one that should be prepared for with intention. Pregnancy and the postpartum-state act like a magnifying glass on any hormonal imbalances, deficiencies or health issues that are already present. As such, in my opinion, there is no such thing as premature preparation for conception. In my practice, there is a condition that I see most frequently in postpartum mamas, and I want to show you how you can help prevent them. For those already in their postpartum season who didn’t have the tools to prepare, the tips below will help you to heal your body, and nourish and nurture you back to health. Postpartum thyroiditis Our thyroid is an important...

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Finding the right balance of your Ying & Yang Energy through TCM Practices

Listen to your body and your intuition and feed it with what it needs as no two bodies are the same. YIN ENERGY If you are yin deficient, your body is overflowing with yang energy. Your body will often feel 'heaty', often referred to as 'yeet hay' in TCM. Common 'heaty' symptoms are high temperatures, headaches, ulcers and sore throat. If you're heaty, avoid the consumption of fried, spicy and sour foods that would cause any inflammation within the body. YANG ENERGY If you are yang deficient, you possess more yin qualities. You often feel cold and may be susceptible to illness. You may feel rundown and unmotivated. To help you find your balance, Hot foods are recommended such as...

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