Father's Profiles

Father Profile • Jarrod Redfern
Father to Charlie, Alex and Ryan. "For any parent the responsibilities are endless, but you still must have an identity other than just mother or father so take timeout for yourself"...
Father Profile • Jarrod Redfern
Father to Charlie, Alex and Ryan. "For any parent the responsibilities are endless, but you still must have an identity other than just mother or father so take timeout for yourself"...

Father Profile • John Hazidavis
Father to Gianna and Vissarios. "The best part about being a parent is trying to help your kids work out who they are as a person, what their interests are,...
Father Profile • John Hazidavis
Father to Gianna and Vissarios. "The best part about being a parent is trying to help your kids work out who they are as a person, what their interests are,...

Father Profile • William Ireland
Father figure to Elle. "Lots of activities, and make sure you enjoy them make sure you build a dirt jump when you have taught them how to ride a...
Father Profile • William Ireland
Father figure to Elle. "Lots of activities, and make sure you enjoy them make sure you build a dirt jump when you have taught them how to ride a...

Father Profile • Jeremy G
Father to James. "My in-laws came from overseas about a month after our son was born. They were a huge help to both my wife and me. " What do your children refer...
Father Profile • Jeremy G
Father to James. "My in-laws came from overseas about a month after our son was born. They were a huge help to both my wife and me. " What do your children refer...

Father Profile • Dan Witkowski
Father to Angus. "It’s amazing how a smile from my son can take away any other worries and for that moment it’s just pure love. I am loving every...
Father Profile • Dan Witkowski
Father to Angus. "It’s amazing how a smile from my son can take away any other worries and for that moment it’s just pure love. I am loving every...

Father Profile • Bruno Ceraso
Father to Joseph, Rick and Paul. "The best thing about being a parent is to watch the fruits of our actions and decisions blossom...." What do your children refer to...
Father Profile • Bruno Ceraso
Father to Joseph, Rick and Paul. "The best thing about being a parent is to watch the fruits of our actions and decisions blossom...." What do your children refer to...