Father Profile • Jarrod Redfern

Father to Charlie, Alex and Ryan.

"For any parent the responsibilities are endless, but you still must have an identity other than just mother or father so take timeout for yourself"

What do your children refer to you as?

 When they were first learning to talk it was usually dadda, but as they got older it's just Dad. I will allow my oldest (14) to call Jarrod if we are in a public setting where there are many dads, to make communication easy Jarrod if we are in a public setting where there are many dads, to make communication easy. 
Please provide name(s) and age(s) of your children.
 Charlie is 14 years old, Alex is 12 and my youngest, Ryan is 10.

How did you support your partner in the early stages of becoming a parent?

That's a tough one but I think mentally it's communication with your partner that no one has all the answers, and every child is different. What works for some children and parents doesn't have to work for you, all first-time parents get scared if they're doing things right. Also, I guess helping in our non-traditional roles around the house. Teamwork.
How were YOU supported and did you feel adequately supported in the early stages of becoming a parent?
I have a very close extended family, so I had plenty of help from my family members. My wife was also very encouraging as I believe the mother has a bond with the baby from pregnancy/birth. The father has to work at it. 
What is the best thing about being a parent?
When things get you down, you can still be Super Dad in their eyes.

What is the hardest thing about being a parent? 

Alone time and work life balance. For any parent the responsibilities are endless, but you still must have an identity other than just mother or father, so take timeout for yourself. 

Share your top hacks for being a parent.

Don’t stress that you're doing it right.

You are their whole world, lead by example.

Live in the moments and enjoy the little things. 
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