Father Profile • Kenny Rao

Baba to Emilia Chloe Rao

How did you support your partner in the early stages of becoming a parent?

It was tough juggling a busy career, being a husband and a father. Bathing, changing nappies and putting bub down in the evenings was usually the only time that I could help out with Milly during the week as well as cooking dinner while mum breast fed and doing the supermarket runs. Exercise was extremely important for my wife and looking after Milly while she had an hour to herself to go to the gym helped her maintain her sanity.

How were YOU supported and did you feel adequately supported in the early stages of becoming a parent?

My wife took the brunt of the night and early morning feeds so that I wouldn't be too exhausted at work. She would be the zombie 🧟‍♀️ and really took one for the team! Despite all this she would still somehow have the energy to keep the house clean, and read up on all books on how to best care for Milly. Thank you for being so selfless for us.

What is the best thing about being a parent?

Seeing Milly's face light up with happiness. It is so pure and genuine and still makes me smile every time.

What is the hardest thing about being a parent?

Sleep deprivation! Learning to manage the full spectrum of emotions and hormones of 2 girls in the house.

Share your top 3 tips or hacks for being a parent.

1. Dads: take some time off if possible from work after the birth. It's not for bub... it's for mum!
2. Routine really helps
3. You can never take too many photos - they grow up so fast!

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