Practitioner Profile | Susie Tran

"When your values are firm, you will not bend and will have determinationto see things through."

What drew you to do this work?

I have always been a creative at a very young age. Instead of learning my timetables as a kid, I’d always be doodling and obsessed with rearranging furniture and decor in my room and how I can make things look prettier. So naturally, as I was nearing the end of high school, my studies started to revolve around art and creative subjects and I eventually found myself delving into learning about film photography and capturing fun day outs with my friends on the weekend on the good old Kodak disposable cameras as a hobby!

Fast forward almost 15 years later, I found myself working as an Editor in Chief at a media company, specialising in Events, I soon realised my spark for photography never left. My husband then purchased me a camera as a gift in 2016 and I haven’t put the camera down since. Being a mother, it started off just capturing my little loves growing up. Then it soon became a regular occurrence that friends and family would ask me to help capture pictures of their families and it then became something I now do professionally! I still pinch myself that I am beyond blessed to do what I love. Passion for children is something that pumps deep in my veins so to be able to be both a mother to 3 little kids myself, and have a career in capturing other precious children, is a real pinch me moment.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?

Traveling to some beautiful locations out in nature and meeting the most amazing clients, some of which I have been there to capture their moments from the birth of their first borns to family sessions of them with 4 kids now! It’s been surreal growing with them.

What is the most memorable thing you can tell someone about your job?

Being able to look back and see how much I’ve grown both as a woman in business and a stay at home mum. Learning not to care about peoples opinions by society’s standards but by trusting in my beliefs as a Christian woman and always staying true to that which can be challenging in a modern society.

Based on your area of expertise, what can you share with our followers around postpartum care?

  • Always shoot young children (even adults sometimes!) after they have had a meal or a nap - everyone is in a much better mood.
  • And always have either jokes or snacks ready!
  • Compile a playlist of the children’s favourite songs & a bubble wand always makes for a fun and magical time.

Do you have any advice for mamas running their own business and juggling all that comes with motherhood?

Find your purpose, your why and what makes your world go round. When your values are firm, you will not bend and will have determination to see things through. And take a small step every day, nothing comes easy so don’t rush and don’t be hard on yourself! On the days that are tough, look back to where you were 1, 5 and 10 years ago and it will remind you of how far you have come.

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