Practitioner Profile | Jade Spears

"When you eat better, you'll also be better equipped to deal with the sleep challenges associated with the newborn phase. "

What drew you to do this work?

I started my practice purely for the physical benefits - I wanted to be stronger and increase my flexibility. However, after the first few classes I was hooked on the post-yoga feeling and the mental benefits I was experiencing and was much less concerned with the physical. Yoga provided me with a safe space to be myself, it gave me a feeling of "coming home" and allowed me to feel more at ease, calm, and more peaceful in daily life. After years of personal practice, I wanted to learn more and completed my yoga teacher training so I was able to share this nourishing practice with more people.

What do you enjoy the most about your work? 

I love holding space for people and giving them the opportunity to connect more deeply with themselves through movement and breath. I am always blown away by how powerful and impactful some of the simplest pranayama practices can be.

What is the most memorable thing you can tell someone about your job?

I have so many wonderful memories from over the years but teaching a room of 80+ yogis who were moving, sweating, and breathing together was pretty special. There is a certain level of potency to the practice when we come together as a community. 

Based on your area of expertise, wh
at can you share with our followers about postpartum care?

Many people don't know, but I'm not only a yoga teacher and personal trainer, but I'm also a qualified nutrition coach. One of the key things to focus on postpartum is your nutrition. 

Eating warming, nourishing, easily digestible foods like dahl, soups, and slow-cooked foods is so important for you to heal (and thrive) in the postpartum period. When you eat better, you'll also be better equipped to deal with the sleep challenges associated with the newborn phase. If you can pack your freezer with meals prebaby's arrival, or organise a meal train from friends and family, you'll be in good stead. 

My second tip would be to go and see a pelvic floor physio before recommencing your exercise regime so they can do a thorough assessment of your pelvic floor and abdominals. When you d feel the time is right (and you're cleared) to exercise, take the time to rebuild strength slowly - there's no rush.

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