Around the World Series | Irish Postpartum Traditions

This month, join us as we explore Irish postpartum traditions. These customs focus on the importance of rest and support for new mothers. Forming a village of support, seeking help from family, consuming nutrient-dense meals, and following protection ritual such as tying a red ribbon on the baby's bed to keep away bad luck, are all important aspects that contribute to the health and well-being of both mother and baby. These practices combine modern advice with rich old customs, showing a strong cultural commitment to caring for mothers after childbirth.

Confinement: First 40 Days

The first 40 days after giving birth, known as the ‘fourth trimester,’ is a special time for new mothers to rest and recover. This confinement tradition has been observed in many cultures, including Irish tradition, both in the past and up until now. During these weeks, the mother and her newborn are still closely connected, almost as if they are still one. A newborn doesn't fully realise they are out of the womb for the first six weeks, therefore all events and factors that affects the mother will also affects the baby. During this time, a mother can feel very fragile, both physically and emotionally, as she adjusts to the big changes in her life. It's crucial that she receives proper care, and feels safe, nourished, cared for, and loved. When a mother feels good, her baby feels good too.

In many cultures, including the Irish culture, the first 40 days are seen as a time for both mother and baby to bond and for the mother to rest and recover. This period of seclusion helps the mother regain her strength and allows the baby to have a gentle, welcoming start to life. Good care during this time can have long-lasting benefits for the mother’s health, possibly impacting her well-being for the next 40 years, taking her into her menopausal years.


In Irish tradition, there's a strong belief that new mothers should avoid cold foods such as salads and smoothies after giving birth. These cold options though may be considered as healthy, may make it difficult for the body to absorb important nutrients when the mother needs them most. Instead, it's recommended to eat warm, easy-to-digest meals to help with recovery. Popular choices include comforting soups, hearty stews, tasty curries, and nourishing porridge. An Irish Stew, known as “Stobhach Gaelach,” is a nourishing option for postpartum nourishment. Rich in high-quality protein sourced from lamb or beef, essential vitamins and minerals from potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables, and hydration from its savoury broth, this hearty dish actively supports tissue repair and bolsters immune function. It facilitates easy digestion, rendering it an ideal choice for new mothers.

 Serving these meals in bowls makes it easy for mothers to enjoy them while resting in bed, following the Irish tradition of nourishing and comforting foods during the postpartum period. 

Naming a Baby

In Ireland in earlier times, the father often selected the names for their babies. They usually chose names that honoured previous family members. For example, if the dad's father was named ‘Michael’ and the mum's father was ‘Joseph’, they may name the baby ‘Michael Joseph’. The next son may be named ‘Joseph Michael’, and so on. Girls' names also often honoured their grandmothers.

Another tradition was to use the mum's maiden name as the baby's middle name. This helped keep both family names alive through the generations, showing how families were connected over time.

Caul Birth

In Ireland, having a baby with a 'caul' was seen as very lucky. This 'caul' was a special covering on the baby's head, believed to protect them from drowning and even heal people. But what's the difference between a caul birth and an en caul birth?

  • Caul Birth: This happens when a small piece of the sac covers the baby's head or face during birth. It resembles a thin, see-through hat that can be easily removed by the doctor or midwife.
  • En Caul Birth: This is rarer situation. It's when the baby is born entirely inside the amniotic sac, much like being in a bubble.

Understanding the truth behind these births helps us appreciate their wonder, whether it's luck or just nature's magic at work.


In Irish postpartum traditions, 'churching' was just one of many beliefs aimed at safeguarding mothers and babies.

After a baby's birth, neighbours and family would visit, bringing gifts like food and clothes. However, this period was seen as risky until the baby was baptised and the mother underwent the ritual of 'churching' to protect them from evil.

'Churching' was a religious ritual specifically for Roman Catholic mothers, typically performed around two weeks after giving birth. Until this ceremony, mothers were prohibited from completing chores, attending church, or participating in religious events. Meeting a woman who hadn't been 'churched' was considered unlucky.

During the 'churching' ceremony, the mother would go to the church to receive a blessing from the priest using holy water. It was customary for babies to be baptised very soon after birth, sometimes even without their mothers present. These rituals persisted well into the 20th century, reflecting the deep-rooted religious and cultural beliefs surrounding childbirth and motherhood in Ireland. 

 Exploring Irish Pregnancy and Postpartum Traditions

In Irish tradition, pregnancy was seen as a delicate time, with many superstitions and practices aimed at protecting the baby from outside influences. While some of these beliefs have faded, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the culture of the time.

Never enter a graveyard while pregnant

Graveyards were strictly off-limits for pregnant women, as it was thought that the spirits dwelling there could harm the unborn child. Even a simple stumble on a gravestone was believed to bring misfortune, possibly resulting in a club foot for the baby.

Wear a medal of your patron saint

To ward off negative energies, expectant mothers were advised to wear a medal of their patron saint or carry blessed holy water. Rabbits were considered particularly ominous, with encountering one believed to lead to a cleft lip for the baby unless the hem of the mother's dress was torn immediately afterward.

Say no to cats.

Cats were also viewed with suspicion, as it was thought they could possess a baby's soul. 

Pour on the honey and toss out the spice.

The diet during pregnancy was carefully monitored, with an emphasis on sweet foods like honey for a sweet-tempered baby, but spicy foods were to be avoided to prevent future troubles.

Certain foods, like carrots for eyesight and corned beef and cabbage for overall health, were encouraged, while others like green potatoes were believed to cause birth defects. 

Hold off on becoming a godparent

Accepting the role of a godparent during pregnancy was considered risky, as it was believed it could endanger one of the babies.

Tie a bow on the bed.

During postpartum, mothers continued to follow traditions to protect their babies. Tying a red ribbon on the baby's bed was believed to ward off evil spirits who might try to steal the child. Rocking an empty cradle was avoided, as it was thought to bring bad luck to both mother and baby.

Similarities between traditional Irish and Chinese postpartum concepts

In summary, Irish postpartum traditions reflect a deep-rooted belief in protecting both mother and baby from negative influences, whether spiritual or physical. These customs, passed down through generations, highlight the importance of community support and health and well-being during the delicate postpartum period.

Interestingly, some parallels can be drawn between Irish and Chinese postpartum traditions. In both cultures, there is a strong emphasis on diet and rest for the new mother, with specific foods believed to promote healing and milk production. Additionally, both cultures have customs aimed at protecting the newborn from malevolent forces, whether fairies in Irish folklore or evil spirits in Chinese tradition.

For example, in Chinese culture, there is the practice of "sitting the month" or "zuo yue zi," where new mothers observe a period of confinement for the first month after childbirth. During this time, they rest, avoid cold foods, and adhere to specific dietary restrictions believed to promote healing and replenish the body's energy.

Similarly, protective rituals, such as hanging red banners or charms to ward off evil spirits, are common in Chinese postpartum traditions. These cultural practices underscore the universal desire to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and child during the vulnerable postpartum period, regardless of geographical or cultural differences.



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