Mama Muse • Uma Taliu

Mother to Kobe, Carter and Kaino - Melbourne, Australia
I am a stay at home mama to 3 busy boys. My eldest is almost 15 and eats, sleeps and breathes basketball, alongside his 9yr old brother. So x6 times a week we are either at training or cheering them from the side line. My youngest is 20months and full of beans.

We had our first son at the tender age of 18, and have been blessed to have our amazing families raise our boys alongside us. So having our 3rd baby during lockdowns has been hard. Its been 2+ years since I’ve seen my mum who I am incredibly close with and sadly she is yet to meet out baby. But I look forward to reuniting with all the family hopefully this year (fingers crossed).

What was your favourite thing about the newborn phase?

I love the newborn phase. The smell, the sounds, the silky soft skin. The learning how to do it all again, I love it all.

What did you find challenging about being a new mother?

The most challenging part is the lack of sleep. Especially having other children to tend to, it’s hard, but worth all the sleepless nights.

How were you supported during your postpartum period and what would you change if you could go back in time?

Thinking back to my most recent birth I would have loved to have my mum here with me to support me post partum. My husband was amazing but mama knows best haha.

List your top 3 essentials for a new mother.

New mama must haves…
  1. Comfy pretty pjs and a robe
  2. Disposable underwear
  3. Yummy body oils, creams, essential oils

Are there any rituals or practices during your 4th trimester you'd like to share?

During my 4th trimester I always spend intentional time with the family. 1 on 1 with hubby, 1 on 1 with each child.

See our Instagram post here.

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