Tune in for our monthly series with Elan ~ every month our founder, U-Fhern, will share items to read, watch and listen that may educate, empower and entertain the Elan community.


On the Table at Home by Danielle Graham

This recipe book really is a reflection of how I cook at home. The Eastern recipes remind me a lot of dishes my Mum would feed us when we were young and I try these at home occassionally so my kids get the culinary experience of their roots at home. Nothing beats a bowl of herbal soup and my Mum would often say even if you don't eat anything, just have some soup because its full of nutrition. But on the daily, I do resort to one pot dishes with a side of salad or veggies as its often a mad rush after school and work. The Shepherd's pie is a winner for all and I sometimes swap the potato topping for sweet potato or cauliflower mash.


Frank & Harri by Jane Auxillo

Might be telling my age, but this playlist is Old School and I love it!


The Chef's Table - Jeong Kwan on Netflix

This episode was suggested as part of our essential reading / watching for my Meditation teacher training and was perfectly timed when my teacher had assigned us the task of spending 24 hours observing with curiosity all the things that we came in contact with for the day. Sitting down to breakfast - who made the bread, who harvested the avocado, who prepared the meal, how was it put together? Paying attention and giving gratitude to the most simple things in order for us to find abundance in our everyday. This is Jeong Kwan's philosophy - turning temple food, paying it attention and amplifying its flavours with the most simple ingredients to create the most decadent meal.

See our Instagram post here.


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