Tune in for our monthly series with Elan ~ every month our founder, U-Fhern, will share items to read, watch and listen that may educate, empower and entertain the Elan community.

This month, we have incredible recommendations. Don't miss out! Check out Grace Mothers Letters To Our Children, a coffee table book that captures the joys and challenges of motherhood. Get empowered with The Little Yarrow podcast episode on growing babies and a business, find entertainment in the inspiring Yianna Velos Entrepreneur podcast episode, and try our easily digestible and nourishing Kitchari meal, available in our dry pantry range for postpartum recovery.


Grace Mothers Letters To Our Children

This is a beautiful coffee table book that is sure to bring a tear to your eyes (or waterfalls). During each of my confinement periods, I'd pen a letter to the baby I'd just birthed, to recount my labor and their birth. It served as a form of therapy for me but also allowed me to document how they arrived on Earth. I'm not one to jot down all their milestones in a beautifully hand made scrapbook, but will occasionally write them a letter just to share where I'm at as a mother, my learnings and also the joy and challenges they bring me. I hope that one day when they read it and look back I hope they just know that I was trying my best for them always.


The Little Yarrow Podcast

I know there are quite a few followers here working in the motherhood / postpartum space so this little short but potent episode from The Little Yarrow might sing to some of you. Many of us develop a passion for working with mothers after becoming a mother ourselves. But when the desire is strong and there are little kids in tow, the juggle is hard. Some advice I received around running a business with a young family was to tend to the embers, don't let the fire completely die out and once the kids are older and less demanding of our time and attention, we can really set that fire alight and let it burn brightly. I am definitely in that slow but busy season tending to four young children. If you're looking for some inspiration, I hope you can find some tips from this episode.


Style Stories with Madeleine Park

I met Yianna while she facilitated a workshop I attended recently and started following her on IG. She has a great energy about her and I really loved listening to this podcast and couldn't help but draw parallels between our lives.

As kids of migrant parents, food being the love language of our respective cultures, seeing and learning from the hard work of our parents, being academic, starting work at a Big 4, moving to Italy to study (I actually went to Milan to study jewellery design many moons ago!), then ending up leaving the corporate job so many in our cohort would have dreamt of to pursue something completely different with passion and meaning.

If you are into health, lifestyle, fashion and a dose of sunshine, this beautiful lady is one to watch.



I first learned of Kitchari when it was served up as part of my meditation course by my teacher, and ever since I have been in love with it. Whenever my digestion is feeling a bit off, I commit to a day or two where all I have for my meals is kitchari.

This is what also makes it a great postpartum meal - easily digestible, nourishing and feels like a hug from the inside out. I recently caught up with the beautiful Phoebe of The Memo and she said during her early postpartum days she was brought back to life from this meal after not only having to recover, look after a newborn but also care for a household recovering from illness.

The Postpartum Kitchari available as part of our dry pantry range - perfect for the colder months for yourself or a new mama in your life.

See our Instagram post here.

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